Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Second Generation Computers: The Transistors

Introducing The Transistors:

"First Silicon Transistors"
<"Les Transistors". Photo.
23 March. 2013. 4 Oct. 2013>
The introduction of Transistors was the very beginning of personal computers and an initiation to making everything small (miniaturization). Starting from 1956 - 1963, Transistors became to be known as the second generation of computers (The Five Generations of Computers). The Transistors were a major step towards the modern day computers we have today, because they began to focus on software development and multi-use programming techniques.


Features and Information about Transistors: 

The second generation of computers became much more smaller and faster, plus much more cheaper due to the fact it was made from solid materials such as silicon and germanium. They also produced a lot less heat and noise compared to the previous Vacuum Tubes making them more reliable and saving a significant amount of energy. Transistors were able to store instructions in to their memory unlike the Vacuum Tubes, which relied solely on magnetic drums, Transistors has moved on to magnetic core technology. The Transistors worked as an amplifier, taking in weak output signals and increasing them to the same level as their input signal (The Computer Chronicles - Computer Generations). The language was upgraded into a high-level language such as COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, and more . During this time, we can assume that most of these computers were used mainly by large businesses.

Examples of the Transistors:

  • UNIVAC II: Improved the core memory of 2000 to 10000 words
  • IBM 1401: Cheaper than many others, the IBM 1401consisted within the business area. It was intended to replace all mathematical/accounting computers and calculators. Very popular (estimate of 10,000 sales).
    "This video shows the people who have lived and worked through the IBM 1401."
    <"A Century of Smart: The IBM 1401 (1959)". 16 Nov. 2009. IBMSocialMedia. 4 Oct. 2013>
  • CDC 3000: Two separated series of computers (Upper and Lower). Upper series were designed for scientific computing applications while Lower series were designed to aim at the business and commercial computing (CDC 3000).


Transistors were definitely a start in something new, it was one of the core break-through that led to this computer era we have today. It large amounts of improvements made from the Vacuum Tubes to the Transistors were nothing compared to how immeasurably this one type of machine impacted out lives today. This trend of miniaturization led to our very laptops, netbooks, tablets, and smart phones that we use daily.


"A Century of Smart: The IBM 1401 (1959)". 16 Nov. 2009. IBMSocialMedia. 4 Oct. 2013
Bestofmedia Team. "From Tubes To Transistors." Tom's Hardware. Bestofmedia Group, 23 Aug. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.
"CDC 3000." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 May 2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2013.
Hames, Roderick. "The Computer Chronicles - Computer Generations." The Computer Chronicles - Computer Generations. Alton C. Crews Middle School: CD Dept. - Articles, 2011. Web. 4 Oct. 2013
The Five Generations of Computers. Webopedia. ITBusinessEdge, 2013.Web. 4 Oct. 2013.
"The History of the Transistor - The Little Invention That Made Big Changes." Inventors., 2013. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.

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